Past Events - Other Events
5 December 2013 - Harrogate Circular (Thursday
On the station at Harrogate assembled what looked like members
of a secret society. Eleven of them there were. Togged up
to the nose they gathered into a knot round their faithful
leaders. They had travelled in faith, suffering uncertain
journeys by train, bus and car. Some had had a Mary Poppins
experience on the way but all were now focussed on the leaders.
Should they go or should they stay? They went. Down the windy
streets of Harrogate they lurched, clinging to posts where
necessary and trying to avoid ending up on a car bonnet. They
entered the calm space of the park and thence into the wood
which heaved and sighed with the burden of it all and threatened
to blow them back from whence they had come. But they continued
doggedly and lo! as they left the wood a bright palace glowed
before them. A warm palace which welcomed them and allowed
them to shed their soaking outer layers and ministered to
their every need and they did eat and drink gratefully. And
behold the rain did stop and the wind abated and they set
off with renewed strength and purpose to follow their intended
path and in the fullness of time they came to a crossroads
where a decision had to be made. Here some sturdy ones left
the main party to conquer longer paths further afield. The
remainder re-entered the wood and made their way to another
warm and welcoming palace where many delights awaited them.
And they did eat and drink until they were full and it was
time to depart for their separate destinations and, as a final
blessing, the sun was shining.
Thank you Val and Angela for being so flexible and for making
the day so enjoyable in spite of the uncertain weather. It
was well worth going ahead.
Report by Diane E
22 August 2013 - Caw and Dow Crag (Lake District
click here to view photos by John W (external web link)
24 July 2013 - Helvellyn and Fairfield (Lake
District Walk)
click here to view photos by John W (external web link)
6 June 2013 - Grassington Circular (Thursday
click here to view photos by John W (external web link)
22 May 2013 - Black Combe and Buck Barrow
(Lake District Walk)
click here to view photos by John W (external web link)
25 April 2013 - An Easedale Round from Grasmere
(Lake District Walk)
click here to view photos by John W (external web link)
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