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joining friends of dalesrail
Wainman’s Pinnacle above Cowling, overlooking the Aire Valley.
Walking in The Lakes , a venue for coaches and weekends away.


If you are interested in joining us, you can become a member online, by filling in our New membership application form.

Alternatively, you can join by downloading, printing off and completing the Microsoft Word document/form below and send this with a cheque for £12.00 payable to 'Friends of DalesRail' to the Membership Secretary:

Miss Elizabeth Myers
35 Waincliffe Drive
LS11 8ET

As a member you and all your household are entitled to take part in all our activities - these are described within this site. You will also receive, by post or email, our newsletter 3 times a year, with further details about our members' events and activities.

Membership form [Microsoft Word document]

You can also read our full constitution here.

View our accounts for the financial year 2019-20 and our five year trends. (PDF file, 701 KB)


New and existing membership subscriptions can now be made electronically by bank transfer using the following details -

Bank Account: Friends of DalesRail

Sort Code: 23-05-80

Account Number: 45294676

Reference: SUBS

Currently subscriptions are due on 30th November each year. However they can be paid in advance and extra donations are very welcome and a big help to the society's finances.



They can be obtained at events throughout the year and on train walks (if pre-ordered by telephone).

Please contact Glennys Ash to order one - delivery can also be arranged.

(Display advert by Martyn B)